Durban’s Dance Power Couple shake up Shall we Dance

Interview with Durban North’s Dancing Couple by Haylea Heyns, for Publicity Matters in August 2017. Durban’s Dance Power Couple shake up Shall We Dance The annual showcase, Shall We Dance, returns to The Playhouse Company’s Opera Theatre for it’s quarter-centenary year, and choreographing the Belly and Line Dancing section of the show is Durban’s dance…

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Make your Normal…Awesome!

I shared a really fun and inspiring moment with my intermediate level students in class last week. I was explaining to them that they should always dance “full out”. Even in class, every time they drill a movement, or dance choreography, it should be done as if they were on stage. With correct posture, full…

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Berea Mail Article

Please click here to read the  Berea Mail Article on “Dancing with your Skeletons” Thank you to Lauren from the Berea Mail for a lovely interview and really special first article on my book!

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Feeling vulnerable

It is quite an curious experience to be “out there”, published, with people reading my words! I have always loved being on stage, loved sharing my dancing and joy with an audience, loved sharing that part of myself. I have sometimes had to see a different side of this performance journey with my students and guide…

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It has arrived!

My book “Dancing with your Skeletons” has arrived from my publisher Balboa Press, and it is beautiful! so much love and gratitude <3

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My first Tanoura lesson

For a dervish, there must be a purpose, a cause for existence, and inside the cause, a True Human Being. Jelaluddin Rumi March 2010, Cairo I greet Sayed Amar at the door, he has just carried his tanoura outfit, in a bag, up 5 flights of stairs, to Yasmina’s apartment, where I am staying, and…

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Healing through belly dance

The coins on my hips make music as I move, my bare stomach undulates in time to the music and my feet are connected deep to mother earth as they dance the ancient dance of the gypsies. As I dance, I express myself, my freedom, femininity, vulnerability and strength – I am a Belly Dancer,…

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